Canadian Fashion Scholars Abroad

NAME: Ben Barry
CITY OF ORIGIN: Toronto, Ontario
CURRENT RESIDENCE: New York City, Dean of Fashion at Parsons
AREAS OF EXPERTISE / INTEREST: Fashion education; masculinity, intersectionality and fashion; disability, D/deafness, madness and fashion; arts-based research in fashion
CURRENT GOALS: To help transform fashion education to center justice and liberation!

NAME: Eanna Morrison Barrs
CITY OF ORIGIN: Toronto, Ontario
CURRENT RESIDENCE: London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London, U.K.
AREAS OF EXPERTISE / INTEREST: Cultural heritage and fashion institutions, fashion exhibitions and museology, and the digitalization of archives and museums
CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS: My PhD research at the Centre for Fashion Curation involves an investigation of the power and potential of the corporate archives of luxury fashion brands

NAME: Dr. Taylor Brydges
CITY OF ORIGIN: Toronto, Ontario
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney, Australia and Stockholm University, Sweden
AREAS OF EXPERTISE / INTEREST: Canadian fashion industry, sustainability and slow fashion, and the impact of digitalization and entrepreneurship in the fashion industry
CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS: an investigation of sustainability and the circular economy in the Swedish fashion industry, funded by an International Mobility Postdoc grant from the Swedish Research Council

NAME: Natalie Nudell
CITY OF ORIGIN: Montreal, Quebec
CURRENT RESIDENCE: New York, Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York
AREAS OF EXPERTISE / INTEREST: Fashion and textile history, 20th-c. American fashion industry and design, women and labour, trade publications and information, the Fashion Calendar and digital humanities. I wrote and produced Calendar Girl, upcoming feature documentary on Ruth Finley and the Fashion Calendar.
CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS: Developing a digital humanities project to digitize the Ruth Finley Collection, Special Collections and College Archives, Gladys Marcus Library at FIT, which holds 24 linear feet of documents including the Fashion Calendar, Home Furnishings Calendar and Fashion International. Continued archival research on the networks of power and commercial culture of the post-WWII American fashion industry and the Fashion Calendar.
CURRENT GOALS: Funding the digitization of the Ruth Finley Collection as an open-source database that would enable dynamic search optimization of this significant and unique collection. As a contributing editor of Fashion Studies Journal and founding member of Fashion Studies Alliance I aim to continue to encourage and foster growth within field of fashion and textile studies, networking and the sharing of resources and skills across disciplines and practices.